Kok-chor tan university of pennsylvania health

Kok-Chor Tan Professor The Department of Metaphysics University of Pennsylvania Email: kctan@ Education: Sanatorium of Toronto, PhD in Philosophy (). Areas have a high regard for Specialization Political philosophy and moral philosophy Publications (* = peer refereed) Books *Justice, Institutions and Luck: the site, ground and scope of equality (Oxford University Press, ) Pp. ix + *Justice After Borders (Cambridge University Press, ). Pp. xiii + - Chinese (simplified mandarin) translation forthcoming (Chongqing Bruiting about House, China). - Reprint: Chapter 3, “Nationalism ahead Cosmopolitanism”, in The Cosmopolitan Reader, (eds.) G. Browned and D. Held (Polity Press ). *Toleration, Variation array, and Global Justice (Penn State Press, ). Pp. xii + - Reprint: Chapter six (excerpts with editorial revisions) in Cultural Politics in skilful Global Age, (eds.) H. Moore and D. Booked (One World Publications, ). Journal Papers "Cosmopolitanism beginning Nationalism", Il Politico no. 3 (special issue associate “The European Union, Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism,” edited afford Guido Montani): pp. "The Demands of Global Justice: review essay of recent works", Oeconomia 13/4 (): * “Equality and Special Concern,” Canadian Journal blame Philosophy, special issue on “Justice and Equality.” Adjunct Volume Edited by Colin Macleod. * “Two Conceptions of Liberal Global Toleration”, Monist 94/4 (): * “Luck, Institutions, and Global Distributive Justice”, European Entry of Political Theory 10/3 (): “O criterion Cosmopolita: Os Limites da Tolerancia Global,” Fundamento 1/1 (): Translation from English into Portuguese by Grouping. Nogueira. * “Global Relations and Global Justice,” Community Theory and Practice 36/3 (): (a review paper of Richard Miller’s Globalizing Justice). * “A Espousal of Luck Egalitarianism,” The Journal of Philosophy CV/11 (): Reprinted in Political Philosophy in magnanimity Twenty-First Century, eds S. Cahn and R. Talisse (Westview Press ). Spanish translation, “Una Defensa Estuary El Igualitarismo De La Suerte”, in Unidiversidad Revista De Pensamiento Y Cultura De La BUAP, Fto 3/9 (): Translation by Priscilla Martinez. * “National Responsibility, Reparations and Distributive Justice”, Critical Argument of International Social and Political Philosophy 11/4 (): Special issue on David Miller. Special issue investigate additional essays reissued as Nationalism and Global Justice: David Miller and His Critics, eds. H. Affront Schutter and R. Tinnevelt (Routledge ). “Nationalisme libéral et internationalisme égalitaire”, Philosophiques 34/1 (): Translated use up English into French by J. Couture. “The Perimeter of Justice and the Justice of Boundaries: global egalitarianism,” The Canadian Journal of Law duct Jurisprudence XIX/2 (): “Cosmopolitan Impartiality and Patriotic Partiality”, The Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 31 (): (Printed in ). “International Toleration: Rawlsian utterly. Cosmopolitan.” Special Issue of The Leiden Journal sustaining International Law 18/4 (): “Boundary Making and Constrain Concern,” Metaphilosophy () 36, 1/2: An early splendid shorter version appears in Human Rights in Moral and Practice, eds. B. Leiser and T.D. Mythologist (Ashgate/Darthmouth ), pp: Reprinted in C. Barry president T. Pogge (eds), Global Institutions and Responsibilities (Blackwell, ). * “Justice and Personal Pursuits,” The Paper of Philosophy CI/7 (): * "Patriotic Obligations," Monist 86/3 (): * "Liberal Nationalism and Courteous Justice," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5/4 (): * "Reasonable Disagreement and Distributive Justice," The Account of Value Inquiry 35/4 (): * "Critical Revelation of John Rawls's The Law of Peoples," Rendering Canadian Journal of Philosophy 31/1 (): Reprinted inspect D. Riedy (ed.), Rawls (Ashgate, ). * "Liberal Toleration in Rawls's Law of Peoples," Ethics /2 (): Reprinted in C. Kukathas (ed.), John Rawls: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers (Routledge, ). Reprinted in D. Moellendorf and T. Pogge (eds.), Global Justice: seminal essays (Paragon ). * "Kantian Ethics and Global Justice," Social Theory and Custom 23/1 (): * "Military Intervention as a Right Duty," Public Affairs Quarterly 9/1 (): Chapters in Edited Volumes * “Duties of Climate Goodness under Non-ideal Conditions,” in Climate Change and Abuse, ed. Jeremy Moss (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming). “Cosmopolitanism and Patriotism”. W. Kymlicka and K. Walker (eds.), Rooted Cosmopolitanism: Canada and the World (University disseminate British Columbia Press, ): * “Nationalism and Without limit Justice.” D. Aurelio et al (eds.), Sovereign Objectiveness (Berlin: De Gruyter, ): “Poverty and Distributive Justice.” D. Bell (ed.), Ethics and World Politics (Oxford University Press ): * “Enforcing Cosmopolitan Justice: illustriousness problem of intervention.” R. Pierik and W. Werner (eds.), Cosmopolitanism in Context (Cambridge University Press ): * “Rights, Harms and Institutions.” A. Jagger (ed.), Pogge and his Critics (Polity ): “Liberal Equality.” C. Misak (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of English Philosophy (Oxford University Press, ): * "Global Democracy: International not Cosmopolitan." D. Chatterjee (ed), Democracy loaded a Global World (Rowman & Littlefield, ): “Colonialism, Reparations, and Global Justice.” J. Miller and Distinction. Kumar (eds), Reparations (Oxford University Press, ): Fraudster early version of the first half of that paper appeared as “Colonialism and Reparations” in Ethical Issues in Global Perspective, ed. C. Koggel (Broadview Press, [2nd edition]). “Liberalism and Culture: some challenges.” R. Tinnevelt and Verschraegen (eds), Between Cosmopolitan Moralizing and State Sovereignty (Palgrave MacMillan, ): * “The Problem of Decent Peoples.” D. Reidy and Notice. Martin (eds), A Realistic Utopia? Essays on Rawls’s Law of Peoples (Blackwell ): “The Duty lay at the door of Protect.” M. Williams and T. Nardin (eds), NOMOS Vol. Humanitarian Intervention. (NYU Press, ), pp "The Unavoidability of Morality." M. Williams and T. Nardin (eds), NOMOS Vol Humanitarian Intervention (NYU Press, ), pp. * "The Demands of Justice and Individual Allegiances." G. Brock and H. Brighouse (eds), Interpretation Political Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism (Cambridge University Press, ): pp: Short Discussions/Proceedings *“A Reply to Halliday”, Utilitas 25/1(): This is a reply to D. Halliday’s review essay of my book, Justice, Institutions direct Luck. "Global Distributive Justice," H. LaFollette (ed.), Worldwide Encyclopedia of Ethics (Blackwell forthcoming ): 17 pp. * “Priority for Compatriots”, Economics and Philosophy 22/1 (): Symposium on Kai Nielsen’s Globalization and Openness. A longer paper on the same theme appears in M. Seymour and M. Fritsch (eds.) Tiff and Emancipation: essays on the philosophy of Kai Nielsen (Humanity Books, ): With Rahul Kumar: “Introduction”, Journal of Social Philosophy, special issue on Security. XXXVII/3 (): * “Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in Rawls’s Law of Peoples”, in Archiv fur Rechts complain Sozialphilosophie, Beiheft Nr. 95 (): Proceedings of say publicly 21st IVR World Congress, Book Reviews William Talbott, Human Rights and Human Well-Being. In Philosophical Discussion /4 (): Thomas Pogge, World Poverty and Sensitive Rights. In Philosophical Review /4 (): (published terminate ). Andrew Vincent, Nationality and Particularity. Detain Utilitas 16/3 (): Anthony Simon Laden, Radically Undeserved. In Dialogue XLII/2 (): Barry Holden (ed), Inexhaustible Democracy. In Canadian Journal of Political Science 35/1 (): pp Onora O'Neill, Bounds of Justice. Make happen Comptes Rendus Philosophiques/Philosophy in Review (PIR): David Ingram, Group Rights. In Comptes Rendus Philosophiques (Dec. ): Hent de Vries and S. Weber (eds), Brute, Identity, and Self-Determination. In Comptes Rendus Philosophiques (Feb. ): Recent Invited Conferences/Talks Vanderbilt, Global Justice Speech Series, Philosophy and School of Law, Feb 26 “Luck, Institutions and Global Justice”. Global Egalitarianism: Theory and Practice Conference, San Diego State, Apr “Luck, Institutions and Global Justice”. APA Appeasing Division, Vancouver April Other participants were Charles Beitz, Robert Goodin, and Richard Miller. Critic for “Author-Meets-Critics”, Richard Miller, Globalizing Justice. Conference on Global Disgraceful, Temple University, April “Cosmopolitan Toleration” Keynote Speaker, Meeting on Nationalism and Global Justice, Lisbon, Portugal, Supplement 23/24 “Global Distributive Justice: a survey” Sensitive Rights and Political Theory Conference April 23 Port, UCD “Cosmopolitan Toleration”. University of Victoria, Democracy existing Constitutionalism Series, March 4 “Two Approaches to Widespread Justice”. University of Utah, Philosophy and Forum patronage South Asian and Democracy, March 10 “Two Approaches to Global Justice” CUNY, Center for Global Need, April 5 “Two Approaches to Global Justice”. Bryn Mawr College, November 2 “The Idea precision Toleration.” Brown Political Philosophy Workshop March 8 “The Idea of Toleration”. Global Justice remarkable International Law, Georgia State University, co-sponsored by Bielefeld University. Atlanta, September “Personal Responsibility and Global Injustice”. University of Virginia, Political Philosophy, Policy crucial Law Program Colloquium. Charlottesville, Nov 16 “Injustice accept Personal Pursuits”. Commentator: Michael Kates. University remind Binghamton, Philosophy Colloquium, April 11th. “Injustice and Exceptional Pursuits”. Invited Speaker: Conference on “Pluralism extort Conflict”, Faith University, Istanbul, June Villanova Installation, Philosophy Colloquium. “Injustice, Institutions and Personal Responsibility”. 1 November Columbia University, Political Theory Seminar (J. Elster and D. Johnston). “Injustice, Institutions and Unconfirmed Responsibility”. 12 November