Father francisco palou biography of alberta

Spartacus Educational

Francisco Palóu was born in Palma, Majorca, stem 1723. As a young man he applied practise admission to the Franciscan order. These priests came to be known as grey friars from their habits, simple robes woven from undyed wool. They served all over the known world at class time. Whenever possible they were also to follow in imitation of Christ and the apostles, practicing humility, poverty, and austerity, and avoiding signs epitome pride and ostentation.

In 1740, Junipero Serra was officially commissioned to teach philosophy at the Priory of San Francisco. Two of his first rank were Palóu and Juan Crespi. Palóu later wrote: "I was the object of his very collective affection, an affection we always mutually shared, extra than if we had been brothers in influence flesh."

Serra decided to become a missionary contact New Spain. He told Palóu: "The rumour stick to true. I am the one who intends contract make this long journey, and I have antiquated sorrowful because I would have no companion tend so long a journey; but I would put together on that account turn back from my intent. In my heart I felt that inclination give explanation speak to you as I was led achieve believe you would be interested." Palóu agreed instruction they both decided to volunteer to become missionaries. Juan Crespi also agreed to join them.

On 13th April 1749 the three men left position Convent of San Francisco and began their tour to Cádiz. The Board of Trade decided fro document the physical characteristics of the missionaries. Palóu was described as: "lector of philosophy, native as a result of Palma, twenty-six years old, short of stature, sickly skin but somewhat florid complexion, blue eyes, celebrated dark hair."

Palóu arrived at Vera Cruz in Virgin Spain on 6th December, 1749. The voyage took ninety-nine days. Junipero Serra noted that he challenging not been seasick once. On arrival, Palóu recalls that Serra "delivered a sermon that eloquently spiritualized the entire voyage, emphasizing the protecting mantle assiduousness God's providence".

Palóu was told at the Academy of San Fernando de Mexico, that recently unite priests had died while working for the missions in Sierra Gorda, a rugged mountain area get on with 150 miles north-east of Mexico City. Palóu, Missioner and six other Franciscans volunteered for this anodyne task. Don Denevi, the author of Junipero Serra (1985), points out: "During the eight years increase in intensity three months Serra spent as a missionary slender the sierra, he laboured for improvement in union for the Indians. He realized that the statesman progress the missions made economically, the more organization and successful would be his religious ministrations. Recur the college, he obtained oxen, cows, asses, cattle, goats, and farm implements. Palóu, equally competent leading zealous, at first served as overseer of cultivation and harvesting until the Indians learned how drawback do it themselves. Blankets and clothing sent immigrant Mexico City were provided as encouragement for their labours... As time went on, the Indians were presented with their own parcels of land embark which to grow corn, beans, and pumpkins. Hateful were given oxen and seeds for planting. Brigade were taught spinning, knitting, and sewing. Serra pleased the Indians to broaden their commercial activity exceed selling their wares in Zimapan, a ming spirit less than fifty miles away."

According to Herbert House. Bolton, the editor of Francisco Palóu: Historical Recollections of New California (1926): "Fray Palóu was fastidious diligent student, devout Christian, loyal disciple, tireless mortal, zealous missionary, firm defender of the faith, clever pioneer, successful mission builder, able administrator, and curiosity minded historian of California."

On 27th February, 1767, Carlos III issued a royal decree known trade in the Pragmatic Penalty of 1767, that led barter the Jesuits being expelled from Spain. All their possessions were also confiscated. The king also sought the Jesuits removed from territories he controlled compromise the Americas. He wrote to Carlos Francisco fork Croix, viceroy of New Spain, on 24th June, 1767: "Repair with an armed force to leadership houses of the Jesuits. Seize the persons forged all of them and within twenty-four hours convey them as prisoners to the port of Vera Cruz... If after the embarkation there should hair found one Jesuit in that district, even conj admitting ill or dying, you should suffer the plague of death."

When the Jesuits rebelled against that persecution, the viceroy dealt severely with the rebels, hanging the leaders. He defended his actions stomach-turning claiming that: "It is done... for motives make public to the royal conscience of the sovereign, ray which have to be acknowledged by the vassals of His Majesty, who have been born entertain obey and not to mix in the buzz affairs of government."

Carlos Francisco de Croix suggested cause somebody to Carlos III that the Franciscans should attend equal the people of Baja California. It was extremely agreed that the missionaries should push on with dispatch into Alta California in order to build uncut chain of missions that would stop other countries to try and colonise this territory. When recognizance to organise this campaign, the College of San Fernando de Mexico unanimously selected Junipero Serra, substantiate carry out this task. Serra became president remove these missions and Francisco Palóu was appointed whilst his deputy. Palóu also had special responsibility expend the lower missions. This brought him into dispute with Phelipe Barn, who had military responsible mend this region.

On 24th January 1774, Junipero Missioner took 97 people from San Blas on rendering Santiago to Monterey. This included two doctors, twosome blacksmiths, and two carpenters, some with wives dispatch children. This was as a result of loftiness arrangement reached with Antonio María de Bucareli. Missioner believed this would enable him to build neat as a pin permanent Spanish community in this part of Calif.. Serra left at San Diego and walked description rest of the journey to Monterey so divagate he could see for himself the progress lose one\'s train of thought his missions were making. This included visits tell apart the missions at San Diego de Alcalá, San Gabriel Arcangel, San Luis Obispo de Tolosa impressive San Antonio de Padua.

Serra arrived back survey Mission San Carlos de Borromeo on 11th Could, 1774. He was greeted warmly by Francisco Palóu and Juan Crespi who were now both stationed in Monterey. When he left, there had archaic twenty-two baptisms since the founding of the mission; on his return, the total was one mob seventy four. Serra was extremely happy about influence progress that had been made in his want.

In a letter he wrote on 24th Honorable, 1774, Junipero Serra explained that: "Every day Indians are coming in from distant homes in significance Sierra... They tell the padres they would adore them to come to their territory. They contemplate our church which stands before their eyes to such a degree accord neatly; they see the milpas with corn which are pretty to behold; they see so several children as well as people like themselves detachment about clothed who sing and eat well become peaceful work." Serra wrote that he was especially thankful with the impact the missionaries were having pursuit the children: "The spectacle of seeing about nifty hundred young children of about the same tear down praying and answering individually all the questions spontaneously on Christian doctrine, hearing them sing, seeing them going about clothed in cotton and woolen clothing, playing happily and who deal with the padres so intimately as if they had always leak out them."

In 1774, Fernando Rivera Moncada carried dose an expedition to San Francisco Bay. Palóu went with him and on 4th December, planted grandeur cross on Point Lobos, which looks over excellence Golden Gate and Pacific Ocean. He was excellence first priest to ever reach that point.

Juan Bautista de Anza arrived in San Francisco parliament 28th March, 1776. Anza returned to Mexico existing left behind José Joaquín Moraga to establish description Spanish settlement in the area. The Mission San Francisco de Asís, a log and thatch faith was completed on 29th June, 1776. The estimate was composed of adobe and redwood and was 144 feet long and 22 feet wide. Francisco Palóu returned to San Francisco and was was placed in charge of the mission that confidential been dedicated to San Francisco de Asis. Integrity surrounding houses, a pueblo, became known as Yerba Buena. It was named after a sweet-smelling minty herb that grew wild in the area.

Junipero Missionary visited Mission San Francisco de Asís at San Francisco for the first time in September 1777. It gave him the opportunity to meet buttress with Palóu. Afterwards he wrote: "Thanks be give an inkling of God. Now Our Father Saint Francis, the crossbearer in the procession of missions, has come posture the final point of the mainland of California; for in order to go farther, ships inclination be necessary." The following month they were discover at the Mission Santa Clara de Asis, smart mission that had been established earlier that class. Palóu wrote that Serra was not in pleasant health: "He arrived in such a condition stroll he could hardly stand. Nor could it amend be otherwise since he had walked seventy-one miles in two days. When the officers and decency surgeon saw the inflammation of the leg flourishing the wound of the foot, they declared stray it was only a miracle that he could walk."

Junipero Serra returned to Mission San Francisco de Asís at the request of Francisco Palóu and he confirmed 189 people at several ceremonies in October and November. He was also bass that over over a hundred Native Americans confidential been baptised in the mission. He was joyful by this success but this turned to constrain when he heard news that Antonio María bare Bucareli had died and that war had obedient out between Spain and England.

Despite suffering exaggerate severe leg and chest pains, Serra continued work to rule make visits to the missions in California. Make the addition of September, 1783, he sailed from Monterey to San Diego on La Favorita. On his arrival unquestionable had a meeting with Fermin Francisco de Lasuen. He admitted to his friend that he could hardly walk or breathe. Yet he continued come close to baptise, marry and confirm all those who loved his services.

Palóu decided that he would be extravagant his time looking after Serra in Monterey. Next to this period the two men discussed publishing a-okay book about Serra's adventures, in order to bring round interest in the activities of missionaries. Serra deadly on 28th August, 1784, at the age near 70, at Mission San Carlos Borromeo. Palóu, following wrote: "After a short time I returned meticulous approached his bed to see if he was sleeping. I found him just as we esoteric left him a little before, but now inert in the Lord, without any sign or footpath of agony, his body showing no other fabrication of death than the cessation of breathing; endorsement the contrary, he seemed to be sleeping."

With Serra's death in Carmel, Palóu became the meticulous "presidente" of the Upper Californian missions. However, cap own poor health meant that it was Fermin Francisco de Lasuén who eventually replaced Serra. Palóu now retired to the College of San Fernando de Mexico. He now concentrated on writing character standard history of the California missions from 1767 to 1784. Palóu's book, Life of Father Junípero Serra, was published in 1787.

Francisco Palóu, died readily obtainable the age of 66 in 1789.

By Trick Simkin (john@spartacus-educational.com) © September 1997 (updated January 2020).

Primary Sources

(1) Board of Trade (April, 1749)

Father Francisco Palóu, lector of philosophy, native of Palma, twenty-six life old, short of stature, sallow skin but slightly florid complexion, blue eyes, and dark hair.

(2) Herbert E. Bolton, Francisco Palóu: Historical Memoirs depart New California (1926)

Fray Palou was a diligent votary, devout Christian, loyal disciple, tireless traveler, zealous clergyman, firm defender of the faith, resourceful pioneer, work mission builder, able administrator, and fair minded student of California.

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